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Orange Peel

Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Virginia

After a 10 hour fun filled adventure in the car, I have finally made it to Fredericksburg, VA. Over the span of the day I learned a few fun facts that I thought I would share along:

  1. Truckers love their porn! As a result I came across 10 “ADULT OUTLETS”. As an added bonus, some even had private viewing booths, because walking into an adult outlet is not embarrassing enough.2435402004_1478efd083
  2. I even came across a car sized tramp stamp. It went as follows, “Jeeps Girls Go Down On All Fours”. The LED sign on the windshield should have just said “I'm easy, honk if your horny”
  3. Apparently, people in Pennsylvania want a one stop shop…Wegmans? Nope, its called Whisks. The sub signs on each end of the store where “pharmacy” and beer”. I have a hunch those Pennsylvanians get their booze fix on one day and their hangover fix the next.
  4. The GPS wants to kill you! Seriously you think it would give me a little more of a heads up then “In .01 mile turn left” Yeah let me get on that as I am in the farthest right lane BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO! If it doesn't straighten its act up I am going to kick its robotic British ass…seriously.
  5. The sun is evil. It refuses to show its face for almost 3/4ths of the trip. But, for the couple hours I want to put back my seat and sleep, it pokes out its ugly head to say hello. Of course the mirror blinder was just a wee bit to short to cover its rays.

But I am here, I am safe, and I am exhausted.


-Wonder Boy

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